All Donations go Directly to Vigil Gaming YouTube and Wesbite!


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Recording Update

Hey everyone it's Mike!

So for Christmas I asked for an external hard drive and I got one that's a terabyte. :) I installed Fraps on to it to kind of take the pressure off my computer in hopes that I would be able to retain some FPS and it seems to be working. So today I spent a lot of the day recording some stuff.

I recorded 2 CSS videos, an AK gameplay on Office and an M4 gameplay on Office.
I recorded like 3 or 4 StarCraft 2 league games from way back in like October.
When I'm done commentating all of the videos and rendering them I'll take a picture of all the videos that are going to be uploaded in January. There's going to be a lot from me which should make up for my inactiveness a few months ago. Plus those videos will be fillers for me while I study and am unable to get new footage.

Happy Holidays everyone! See ya!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Update, Holidays, New Poll

Hey everyone it's Mike!

First of all I'd like to start off by wishing all of you a Merry Christmas! If you don't celebrate Christmas then Happy Holidays! We hope all of you had a splendid time.

The update portion of this post pertains to just me. My bandwidth has like 7GB left on it which I'm trying with so much effort to save without actually turning off my router so I won't be posting any videos until my bandwidth resets on January 4, which coincidentally is, I believe, the day I return to school. -.- However, in January you can look forward to I think 3 Black Ops gameplays, 2 Counter-Strike Source gameplays, a Fail of the Day brought to you by I R Black and some more Left 4 Dead 2 stuff! However, January is the last month of my first semester so I'm going to be extremely busy with projects and studying for exams.

Now for the poll. Last week we asked you: "Should Vigil Gaming do live shows?" 71% of you (5 voters) said yes we should while 28% of you (2 voters) said we should not. I'm going to be buying a laptop on Sunday, December 26 so going off the poll results I'll probably use the webcam in that laptop to broadcast some live shows from uStream a couple times a week. This weeks poll once again tests your Vigil Gaming history knowledge: "Who was the first person recruited to Vigil Gaming?" with the following options: "Sgt. Pepper", "I R Black", "Patar" and "Dyzix". This poll ends on Friday, December 31, 2010!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Poll Results & New Poll

Last week we asked you all: "Who initiated the creation of Vigil Gaming?" with all the known members of Vigil Gaming as options. The results were Sgt. Pepper with 75% (3 votes) and Sw1tch with 25% (1 vote). The actual answer is Sw1tch. :) He had the idea to start a gaming channel with Mike. The more you knoooooow!

This week we want to know: "Should Vigil Gaming do live shows?" with only "Yes" and "No" as options. These live shows would be actual live shows, not gameplays, that would be broadcasted by Mike. I think it's possible to live stream gameplay and I'm pretty sure Sw1tch has a hard on for doing that but this poll isn't about that.

So go ahead and vote! This poll ends on Friday, December 24, 2010!

Mike's Back In Business!

Hey everyone it's Mike!

Good news! The processor came in the mail today and it's hooked up and I am officially back on my PC. :)
Videos may still be a bit delayed since I have other priorities but they'll hopefully be coming!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Live Shows?

Hey everyone it's Mike!

I'm just wondering, and this will probably be the poll for tomorrow but feel free to leave me a comment, would any of you be interested in attending Vigil Gaming live shows? Like on uStream or BlogTV. It wouldn't be a gameplay (though I'm sure Sw1tch would love to broadcast himself playing on JustinTV) it would just be me in the flesh talking to you all, answering questions and what not. I just want to see if there's a good amount of people who'd be interested before I put all the time in to it only to have like 6 people show. :)

So let me know!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Longer Videos FTW

For those who haven't already heard, YouTube has increased the time limit of uploads for a ton of users. They did not specify if there is a new limit but by the way they described it there is no time limit. However, your video is still bound to the 2GB maximum file size. Regardless, good job YouTube. This will definitely be a useful tool at some point. Would have been cool during the StarCraft 2 walkthroughs but let's not get in to that.

To read more about it visit:

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Mike Update

Hey everyone!

So I got word today from my brother that the new processor for my computer just shipped out today. It should be here within 1-2 weeks, but he's more than sure it'll take 2 weeks. Let's hope it just gets here as soon as possible.
It'll be a blast having a better processor that now runs 3.0 GHZ instead of whatever I had before. Plus I'll be able to finally play some games, and make videos for both Vigil Gaming and HopelessProd!!!

The one thing I'm glad for is that Black Ops will have had like a month to fix itself by the time I can play it again so I'm hoping when I get back it'll be running smooth, especially with my new processor.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Vigil History & Commentary vs Gameplay

Last week's poll asked you all: "Which type of gameplay do you enjoy more?" with only 2 options. The results were very one sides and quite expected. "Gameplay with commentary" got 100% with 6 votes while "Gameplay without commentary" got no votes.

This week we want to know how well you all know your Vigil Gaming history. The question is "Who initiated the creation of Vigil Gaming?" with the following options: "Mike", "Dyzix", "Sw1tch", "Sgt. Pepper" and "Black".
Just in case the question isn't clear we just want to know who you think had the idea to start the Vigil Gaming channel. This poll ends on Friday, December 17, 2010!

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter!

Monday, December 6, 2010

1100 Subscribers!

Today we have reached 1100 subscribers! It took us a frustrating while to get there too. We hovered around the 1050 mark for so long but finally we kept on moving. What's awesome is that ever since our start back in May we've managed to get a 100 subscriber milestone every month.
Everyone that is a part of Vigil Gaming would like to thank all of you for subscribing; the oldies out there that have been with us since our conception, the new people who have joined fairly recently and everyone else in between. It means more to us than we can describe that 1100 of you like what we do and support us in our video making. It's a great self-esteem and ego booster.

We promise to keep the videos coming. Once again thank you all so much and don't forget to help us grow by telling your friends to check us out!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Another Mike Update

Hey everybody it's obviously Mike.

Just wanted to inform you all that my processor on my computer has died. I am currently on an older PC that I'm only using for school and watching YouTube. This would be either the second or third year in a row that around this time something has broken in my computer. This would be the like 10th year in a row that something has gone wrong with my computer. I'll hopefully have a new processor within 1-2 weeks. So I'm no good for Vigil Gaming for that time period, even though I only have 1 video to post anyway.

Speaking of uploading, my brothers computer, which I used to upload on, is no longer available for use so I'm stuck with my shitty internet. I get a max of 60 kb/s so I'm trying to convince my mom to pay $27 more a month so I can get 1 mb/s and 125GB monthly bandwidth opposed to my current 60GB limit.

I hate computers.

Poll Results!

Hey everyone!

Last week we wanted to know "How much time per week do you usually spend gaming?" and we got the following resutls: "3-6 hours" and "12+ hours" tied at 40% (2 votes) and "6-9 hours" got 20% (1 vote). Results look pretty decent.

This week we want to know: "Which type of gameplay do you enjoy more?" with only 2 options, "Gameplay with commentary" and "Gameplay without commentary". Make sure to vote and even leave a comment as to why you prefer one over the other! This poll ends Friday, December 10, 2010!

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Also, a new feature has been added to our website, if you scroll down and look on the right side of the page (where the poll is) you'll get to a section that shows our most popular posts. Make sure to check them out if you haven't already!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

StarCraft 2 Walkthroughs Complete!

It took almost half a year, but the StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty campaign walkthroughs are finished! I'm actually really stoked about that. :)

This allows me to now focus on other things such as StarCraft 2 multilayer and Black Ops. I hope you guys enjoyed/were helped from the walkthroughs. To my knowledge, Vigil Gaming is the only channel to do a complete walkthrough of every single mission in the game in HD and with commentary.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Ops PC + Poll

Hey everyone it's Mike!

If you read my update about Black Ops being barely playable I have some good news for you all. I didn't have much to do right now so I decided to Google some Black Ops performance issue fixes and I found some that I did and the game now runs MUCH more smooth than it did. I did still get some bad freezing going on but nothing compared to the amount I had before (every 3 seconds and every time I shoot). Now it seems that I only freeze up real bad in an open area or where there is a lot of people. This is, however, all based off one game on Launch. The link to these fixes will be at the end of this post.

To the poll results! Last week we wanted to know: "What was the first gaming console you played?" It turns out that 42% of you (3 votes) had your first time with NES or N64. The other 14% (1 vote) was on PlayStation. SNES, A Sega Product, Dreamcast, Computer and Other all got 0 votes. This week we want to know "How much time per week do you usually spend gaming?" with the following options: "1-3 hours", "3-6 hours", "6-9 hours", "9-12 hours", "12+ hours". Be honest. No one is going to judge you! This poll ends on Friday, December 3, 2010!


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mike Update For Black Ops

Hey everyone! It's Mike. :)

I just wanted to inform you all that I probably won't be posting much or any Black Ops gameplays for a couple months just because my computer can't even run the game that well. My processor and video card are outdated and are causing me to freeze up with every shot I take and I get an average of sub-10 FPS as I play.

This wouldn't be that big of an issue if I weren't planning on finally buying a laptop on Boxing Day (a Canadian thing a couple days after Christmas where everything goes on sale). I need to save my money for that at the moment. Now I'm hoping I can get a good laptop for around $500-$600 which would leave me with about $100-$200 in my bank account which would be a good start for the upgrading I need to do.

The video card I'm planning on is, at the moment, about $130. However, I'm probably going to have to dish out some more money to buy a new power supply to support the card. I haven't bothered looking in to the prices of those but the last one I got was like $50 for a 500-600 watt or something like that so we'll see. Now if all luck isn't on my side I'll also be forced to buy a new motherboard which is probably like another $100. But I did talk to my brother about it and he said I probably wouldn't need a new motherboard. Probably. Let's hope not.

But as of now, I'm basically playing on really small servers on small maps trying to enjoy the game as little as I can. This is the only time I'm ever going to envy console users. Screw hardware updates!
Remember though, this does not affect any other games I've been posting on.

Thanks for reading! Peace!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Opinions On Black Ops

The poll has spoken.

Last week we asked you all "What do you think of Black Ops?" The results were as follow: "It's alright" with 42% (3 votes), "It's awesome" with 2 votes (28%) and "It's Bad" and "I haven't played it yet" both receiving 14% (1 vote).

This week we want to know: "What was the first gaming console you played?" with the following options: "NES", "Super Nintendo", "N64", "PlayStation", "A Sega Product", "Dreamcast", "Computer" and other. This poll ends on Friday, November 26, 2010!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mike Update

Hey everyone it's Mike!

I just wanted to post an update about me and videos and what you can expect from me.

I'll start off with StarCraft 2. I have beaten the single player and have everything rendered and ready to upload but I want to push out some Black Ops videos first. I might post a couple of the walkthroughs this weekend. There is a total of 5 levels I have left to post which is 12 files overall. I also have some multiplayer games I still need to record that I'd like to post for you all, including a 3v3 miner rush in Bronze League from like a month ago.

In terms of Black Ops you can definitely expect gameplay from Sgt. Pepper, Sw1tch and I. My gameplays, of course, are on PC and recorded using Fraps so pardon any choppiness. Some of you may have been lucky enough to watch the Famas on Cracked gameplay I posted but for some reason the video was only 5 minutes on YouTube but 7 minutes in reality so the entire game didn't post. That was a decent game and the video has been giving me constant issues so I've just decided to trash it. I do, however, have a gun game video on Villa waiting to be uploaded as well as a Sticks & Stones gameplay I still need to record. I'm playing the game quite often so you probably won't be seeing a shortage of gameplays from it.

Medal of Honor I still play but not as often. I'll try to continue getting gameplay for it but it's a game with like 10 maps and 3 classes with only 1 gun swap. There's only so much you can post without repeating yourself, unless you get an amazing game.

I know I haven't done a Left 4 Dead 2 Mutation video in forever but starting tomorrow, if there even is a new Mutation, I'm going to start them again. The reason I stopped initially was because I was doing other things Fridays so I just didn't want to or feel like doing the Mutations. To be honest, I haven't even played Left 4 Dead 2 since the week The Sacrifice came out, I think.

Counter-Strike Source: I've really had an urge to make some sort of gameplay video for CSS so I might play it a little this weekend and get some footage which is hopefully good enough to post.

Day of Defeat Source I also haven't played in a long time and don't really feel like playing it so there's a good chance that'll be going on the Inactive Games list but probably not forever.

Finally I wanted to address anyone's wonder about Half-Life 2 walkthroughs. I know in the past I said I definitely would do a walkthrough for the game but since then I've changed my mind and don't want to, at all. This may change with the announcement of Episode 3 (within the next year to 20 years, depending on what Valve's feeling like). But after the StarCraft 2 walkthroughs I've really grown un-fond of walkthroughs. :)

But that's it. Hope I answered any questions you all had. See ya!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Favourite Console

The poll has spoken.

Last week we asked you all "What console do you prefer to play?" with the following results: Computer with 60% (3 votes), XBox 360 with 40% (2 votes) and PS3 & None of the above getting 0 votes.

This week we want to know "What do you think of Black Ops?" with these options: "It's awesome", "It's alright", "It's bad" and "I haven't played it yet". Get to voting!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Black Ops

Hey everyone it's Mike!

I just wanted to inform you all that Sw1tch, Sgt.Pepper & I all currently have Black Ops. I just got mine today and am installing it at the moment. You can definately expect gameplay from multiplayer and hopefully single player (if Fraps doesn't bring my FPS down to a crawl) walkthroughs. Really looking forward to playing!

Friday, November 5, 2010

New Uploaders?!?

The poll has spoken.

Last week we asked you all "Should Vigil Gaming recruit more uploaders?" with the following results: "No" with 42% (3 votes) and "Yes. Go Machinima on us" and "A Few" both receiving 28% (2 votes). Personally, I'm happy that No won because inviting more uploaders would be a tedious and frustrating process. However, that's not to say that more uploaders can't be coming down the pipes in the future.

This week we want to know: "What console do you prefer to play?" with Computer, XBox 360, PlayStation 3 and None of the above as your options. This poll ends on Friday, November 12, 2010!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

1000 Subs!

Hey everybody!

We here at Vigil Gaming would like to extend our greatest thanks to all of you for subscribing and supporting us the 5 months we have been active! You are all amazing and we appreciate every single one of you, currently all 1002 of you!

Thanks again and we hope to continue growing with you all!
- Vigil Gaming

Friday, October 29, 2010

Update, Halloween & Favourite Developer

Hey everyone, it's Mike.

I'd just like to quickly update everyone regarding the recent lack of uploading. Everyone at Vigil Gaming is quite occupied with our lives to keep a regularly scheduled time frame open for uploading. I have actually been very uninterested in even recording videos as of late. The whole process of recording, editing, commentating, fixing audio, rendering, uploading and annotating is just something I'm taking a well deserved break from. I have a couple levels of StarCraft I can commentate whenever I'm in the mood but we'll see when that is. We hope you all can understand.

This Sunday marks one of my favourite "holidays": Halloween. I'm just wondering what you all plan on doing for the occasion? Are you going out, staying in, handing out candy or doing something else? Let me know in the comments of this blog! I am going to be dressing up in a full gorilla suit and going trick-or-treating with a group of friends. One is never too old for free candy. :)

Last week we asked you "Who's Your Favourite Game Developer?" and not many people voted. The results were as follow: Valve with 50% (3 votes), Infinity Ward, Treyarch and Blizzard all at 16% (1 vote) and Nintendo, Ubisoft, Rockstar & Other getting 0 votes.

This weeks poll asks you all: "Should Vigil Gaming recruit more uploaders?" with the following options: Yes. Go Machinima on us, A few and No. Keep in mind that we would never recruit anyone we don't all know. In short, no randoms. Get to voting! The poll ends Friday, November 5, 2010!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Favourite Type of Game?

The poll has spoken.

Last week we asked you: "What's your favourite genre of video game?" with a pretty one way result as follows: Shooter with 87% (7 votes), Role Playing with 12% (1 vote) and Sports, Strategy and Other with 0 votes. Comment on this post if you see what's wrong with the results?

This weeks poll asks: "Who's Your Favourite Game Developer?" with the following options: Valve, Nintendo, Infinity Ward, Treyarch, Blizzard, Ubisoft, Rockstar and Other. The poll ends Friday, October 29, 2010!

Get to voting!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Poll Results

The poll has spoken.

Last week's poll asked you "What did you think of L4D2's The Sacrifice DLC?" and the following results came about: Fantastic with 43% (7 votes), Decent with 31% (5 votes), Don't Know with 18% (3 votes), It's Alright with 6% (1 vote) and Bad and Terrible, Expected Better From Valve both obtaining 0 votes.
Personally, the DLC was great.

This week's poll asks you all "What's your favourite genre of video game?" the options you have are: Shooter, Sports, Role Playing, Strategy and Other. The poll ends on Friday, October 22, 2010 so get to voting!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

CSS Open Lobby Video

Hey everyone it's Mike!

I'm saddened to tell you all that the footage from the Counter-Strike: Source open lobby that we had a week ago won't be turned in to a video for VigilGaming. As we played I was recording a demo that I was going to go back to and record using Fraps. I tried to do that yesterday and today but literally every other second the game would freeze for 10 seconds. It sucks because I really wanted to upload it.

Sorry again.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Most Popular Game!

The poll has spoken.

The last poll asked you all "What soon-to-be game are you most looking forward to?" The results were as follow: L4D2 DLC (The Sacrifice) with 7 votes (46%), Black Ops with 5 votes (33%), Medal of Honor with 2 votes (13%), WoW: Cataclysm with 1 vote (6%) and Other with 0 votes. A little surprised that Black Ops didn't win the majority but in fairness, L4D2 is awesome.

This weeks poll is asking you all "What did you think of L4D2's The Sacrifice DLC?" with the options being Fantastic, Decent, It's Alright, Bad, Terrible, Expected Better From Valve and Don't Know. You have one week! VOTE MO SUCKAS!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Medal of Honor Open Beta

Hey everyone it's Mike!

For those of you that don't know, the Medal of Honor open beta for PC has started today and will run until Thursday, October 7, 2010. I am currently installing the game and hope to give it a shot sometime tonight, though with my currently busy schedule for school I might not get much gameplay in. I will try my best to get some gameplay with commentary for you all but if this game runs anything like Bad Company 2 on my PC than neither Fraps or WeGame will be suitable to record it since I'll only be getting like 10 FPS. So hopefully that won't be the case and I can provide you guys with, at least, some non-HD WeGame footage though HD Fraps stuff would be cool.

To download it for free visit

Friday, October 1, 2010


The poll has spoken.

In the recent poll we asked "What games should we play at the open lobby?" and we gave you 2 options for PC and 2 for XBox 360. The results were as follow: Counter-Strike Source had 11 votes (50%), Halo: Reach had 8 votes (36%), Left 4 Dead 2 had 3 votes (13%) and Modern Warfare 2 had, understandably, 0 votes.

So that means tomorrow the XBox 360 lobby will be playing Halo: Reach at 2pm Central time. Make sure to add at least S w 1 t c h to Live to be invited.
The PC lobby will be playing Counter-Strike Source with invites being sent out at 5pm Eastern time. Make sure you're a part of the Steam group ( and online near that hour.
If you don't live in one or both of the time zones then just Google a time zone converter or something. It's very simple.

If you have both Halo: Reach and Counter-Strike Source I believe that both of the lobbies are a few hours apart so you could probably make it to both of them if you wanted to.

Remember, these lobbies WILL be recorded and uploaded to VigilGaming. See you all there!

This weeks new poll asks "What soon-to-be game are you most looking forward to?" with Black Ops, L4D2's DLC entitled "The Sacrifice", Medal of Honor, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm and Other competing for your votes. The poll ends next Friday, October 8, 2010!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Confirmed Xbox Lobby Date

Saturday October, 2nd 2 PM Central is the confirmed time for the halo reach open lobby.
Add my GamerTag, S w 1 t c h to your friends list on Xbox Live and i will invite everyone to come join the lobby. if do do not have room or do not want me on your friends list, send me a private chat invite, view profile, then join my session.
This will be a lot of fun so don't miss out.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Open Lobby Times

Hey everyone it's Mike!

I quickly wanted to confirm the time that the open lobby for PC will start. For PC (and it looks like we'll be playing Counter-Strike Source) the open lobby will begin at 5PM Eastern time. That is when I'll mass invite anyone that is online in the Steam group to chat and then at around 5:10-5:20pm we'll head in to a server and play some gaimez! If you don't live in the Eastern time zone just Google "what is 5pm est in INSERT YOUR TIME ZONE HERE" and you'll find out.

The XBox 360 open lobby time hasn't been confirmed though it does look like Halo: Reach is the game that'll be played. Sw1tch is making a video announcing the times and such for Friday and I'll see if I can get to him to mention the PC time as well before he posts it.

We hope to see you all either on XBox 360 or on PC. And remember, these lobbies WILL be recorded and WILL be posted on to the VigilGaming YouTube channel. So if you want to be in a video and showcase some of the skill we know you all have then make sure to join us! The lobbies will last anywhere from an hour to a year.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Ask Vigil Gaming Week #5

This week we got one question and it had nothing to do with gaming. See? They don't have to be relevant to us. The new #AskVG video is the contest winners announced video which is now featured on our channel page so make sure to ask us something!

Q: "Pancakes or waffles?" by TahBattle

Mike - Pancakes. Extra syrup.

Black - Wuuufles.

Dyzix - Waffles. For a full explanation as to why visit the Wikipedia article for Waffles.

Sw1tch - Blue waffles.

SgtPepper - waffles. :D

Friday, September 24, 2010

Open Lobby, Contest, Poll Results

Hey guys it's Mike!

In this post I'll be covering the 3 things mentioned in the title in order.

The open lobby will be explained in the contest video but basically it'll be on Saturday, October 2, 2010 at a currently unknown time for a currently unknown game. The last 2 things will be revealed throughout the week on this blog so make sure to check back in. The open lobby will be both on XBox 360 and PC simultaneously unless one has less than the other. The lobby/lobbies WILL be filmed and uploaded on to our channel.

The contest that celebrated our 500th subscriber is coming to an end in about 2 hours so if you have an entry you'd like to send in send it in NOW! I'll be filming the video announcing the winners probably tomorrow and it'll be uploaded probably late Saturday or Sunday. One thing I find quite cool is that when the contest video was first posted we had around 522 subs and now a month later when the contest is over we're at 722. I was hoping we'd be over 800 by the time the contest ended but oh well, we're on our way regardless.

The recent poll was: "What's your favorite game that Vigil posts on?" with the following results: Left 4 Dead 2 and Counter-Strike Source both at 29% (5 votes), Modern Warfare at 17% (3 votes), StarCraft 2 and Other at 11% (2 votes) and Alien Swarm receiving no votes. This information lines up perfectly with our channels Insight information with Left 4 Dead 2 and Counter-Strike Source dominating our most viewed charts followed by StarCraft. All of this, of course, prior to the launch of Halo: Reach which has all but subtly swept some of our older popular videos out. This poll was also really helpful in confirming what people want to see on Vigil. We'll try and get some more CSS and L4D2 out to you guys, especially with the new DLC being released in 2 weeks for L4D2.

This week's poll is "What games should we play at the open lobby?". The top 2 will probably be the ones that we choose. However, if a game we don't like or not many people have is a winner we may switch it out. This poll will end on Friday, October 1, 2010 just in time for the open lobby. The system in the brackets represents what we'll play it on. If you'd like to vote for an XBox 360 and PC game than all you need to do is vote on 2 separate computers.

Thanks everyone.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Contest Reminder

This is a reminder that our 500 subscriber contest is coming to an end THIS Friday, September 24, 2010 at Midnight EST.

You all still have 4 days (including today) to send us your best, creative design(s) of a background and/or avatar for our channel page. Remember, you WILL be given credit in a video announcing the winners as well as your channel featured on our page.

For full contest rules visit our channel page and watch the auto-playing featured video called CONTEST & Ask Us Questions.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Happy 700 Subs!

We'd like to thank all of you for subscribing and supporting us. Today marks our 700th subscriber in just over 4 months of being on YouTube.

We hope to continue growing and providing you all with quality gameplays of old and new games.

Thanks again everyone!
- Vigil Gaming

Friday, September 17, 2010

No More Modern Warfare 2?

Hey guys it's Mike.

I wanted to tell you guys that for the most part, Vigil Gaming is done posting Modern Warfare 2 gameplays. I myself have actually, finally, quit playing the game since it's so terrible. I'm only going to be playing private matches with my friends since that is actually fun and not annoying.

Sw1tch himself has really cut back on the game seeing as it's boring to him as well, mainly because not many of his friends play it anymore.

SgtPepper is now occupied with Halo: Reach and respectively so. If I had to choose between Reach and MW2 I'd pick Halo any day...and I'm not even a big fan of the series.

With all that being said I do want to mention that I have a few more gameplays sitting on my desktop I want to upload. I have an 18-0 Intervention TDM on Highrise which I'm now debating whether or not to post, an interesting 1.94 KDR Barret Domination game on Terminal that I'll probably post and 2 request videos which I for sure will post. I also have a montage that isn't a montage coming out soon. It's basically my friends and I playing some private matches and getting sweet game winning kills with reactions. Some of the stuff is sick.

Now for anyone who has caught on to what this means for all the other requests that have been left undone, it basically means we're not going to do your MW2 requested setup. If you REALLY wanted to have us do it then we're sorry. However, seeing as all the requests that remain are either stupid and/or extremely hard (i.e. Knife only with RPD, Stinger, Smokes, Tac Insert, Marathon, Lightweight & Commando) I don't see how anyone that requested them honestly thought we'd do them. I think they were just like "What's a stupid setup that'll give them grief? Oh I know!"

But yeah. That's all I have to say on that subject.
Just a reminder though, our avatar/background contest ends NEXT Friday, September 24, 2010 at Midnight EST!! You guys have 7 days to do something if you're entering!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ask Vigil Gaming Week #4

These are the 2 questions we answered for the fourth week of Ask Vigil Gaming. Thanks to our two questioners. This weeks #AskVG video is a bit delayed but it'll be out sometime soon and it'll probably be a Halo: Reach video.

Q: "Do you enjoy doing these commentaries?" by Iskee01

A: Mike - Of course otherwise I wouldn't be doing them. However, I will say that sometimes the whole process of doing the commentaries like filming, editing, rendering and even commentating some of the longer videos is tedious.

Dyzix - Yes, I do enjoy them. I think its a great way to get involved to talk directly to your community and to put a face to the videos we upload. It is something that is fun to do to hear the feedback from the community as well for myself as an uploader to get opinions and such in the commentary. All in all it is very fun.

Sw1tch - I do but I don't. The reason I don't is because I run out of things to say and it get's awkward so I'm just like "What am I supposed to say?" And planning for commentaries is dumb.

Black - Sure...even though I don't really do them.

SgtPepper - No I'd rather just upload a game and put some music behind it. I guess I'm good at commentaries I just don't want to do them even though I've never uploaded a game with music but I might start.

Q: "All of you have done a lot of gaming, but what was the most difficult game or a certain part of a game you've played? Like you kept dying and always had to restart or it was the most insane boss battle ever... this could come from your earlier gaming days too." from disutansu

A: Mike - There was this one mission in Modern Warfare 2 that got me real worked up. I don't remember the name of it but you're on a boat with a weapon that has Thermal and you're trying to kill people, obviously, but I kept getting shot from every angle while the bots did nothing for me. Also, in Donkey Kong Country I could never get past the 3rd level I think. There was a jump I could never land and it sucked. Also, in Golden Eye I could never get past like the 4th level because I just didn't know where to go. As for the hardest boss fight it was the spider boss from Half-Life since I was so low on health I kept dying from falling in the second stage of the battle.

Dyzix - Level 5 Boss from Contra Shattered Soldier. If someone does that boss fight from Vigil Gaming I will love you. One of the hardest and most annoying boss fights ever. Can you say rage quit?

Sw1tch - The last level of 007 Goldeneye was hard as hell and it took me many tries to beat it.

Black - Games dont challenge me, I challenege them.

SgtPepper - The hardest game experience I've had in console gaming is trying to beat Halo 3 on Legendary mode with all skulls enabled. It took me about a month of afternoon sessions to just beat the first 5 levels. I didn't finish doing it, I realized it was a complete waste of time since there was no way to prove that I had actually done it since I didn't have a capture card back then.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Halo: Reach!

Hey guys it's Mike!

I wanted to remind everyone that Halo: Reach comes out, for me, in 2 hours. Though I won't be getting it at all, SgtPepper will be getting it in 3 hours at the midnight premiere along with his Halo: Reach XBox 360. He is going to be making a video of Halo: Reach as SOON as possible. I'm talking like 1-2 hours after he gets it, minus all the rendering, commentating and other stuff that goes in to making the videos. The first video will probably be a walkthrough with commentary for the first level and then you can definitely expect more multiplayer footage throughout the week. An easy way to keep up to date with Halo: Reach is, of course, to subscribe or you can check out the Halo: Reach playlist we have set up on our channel page. The playlist won't be #2 in the playlist list until about 7:30am EST when I wake up and get on the computer.

Also wanted to mention that, for anyone wondering, the new week of Ask VigilGaming will be posted soon. SgtPepper has been hard to get a hold of so we need him to answer one of the questions. We also need to make sure a video that is directly uploaded can be the new #AskVG video so that way it doesn't go up, people see it, watch it THEN we make it the #AskVG video. You know what I'm saying?

Alright. Good bye to all!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Update Hour

Hey guys it's Mike!

I just feel like writing something so I thought I'd once again discuss the near future for Vigil Gaming in terms of games.

I'll start off with the newest game we will be uploading once it's released, Halo: Reach. SgtPepper is fortunately going to the midnight release for the game and will be uploading at least one video as soon as possible (ideally like 2-3 hours after the release of the game). The video will be of the first level of single player since no one has ever seen that before in the beta. I wouldn't hold your breath for a full walk through since everyone else isn't too big on walkthroughs.

Next up is Black Ops. Our last poll was actually asking if you guys were going to get Black Ops and we had a 3 way tie between Yes, Not on the day of release but yes and No. The fourth option, After I hear peoples' opinions about it, was 1 vote off from making it a 4 way tie. Very interesting. But rest assured that for those wanting Black Ops we will deliver. I'm not sure anyone will be at the midnight release but we will definitely post multiplayer and at least the first level of single player as soon as possible. And when I say we I mean SgtPepper and/or Sw1tch.

For StarCraft 2 the walkthroughs are almost wrapped up. I believe I'm 6-7 levels from beating the game and I have 4 levels ready to upload whenever I can. Once those are done I'll probably start casting some 1v1 replays I have laying around from Bronze & Silver league as well as a FFA or 2. Dyzix may also post some Protoss games.

Modern Warfare 2 is, I think, slowly coming to an end (and thankfully in my opinion). I know a few of you guys hate the MW2 we put up but it's slowly dying down. For me the only thing I play for now is requests and I actually have so many left that I've started contacting the requesters if they wouldn't mind it being done by Pepper or Sw1tch to help me out. Don't expect too many non-request videos in the coming months.

Left 4 Dead 2 hasn't been getting it's weekly uploads since Valve has decided to be stupid and do Developer's Choice for a Mutation the past 3 weeks + the repeat week. We are all hoping that NEXT week's Mutation is something new. SgtPepper has a few games he can upload and hopefully does for Versus mode.

Counter-Strike Source. I know a lot of you want CSS. And I know we've said we would upload and never did. BUT here is some good news. Once I render all these SC2 levels (3 more videos; 1.5 levels) I will be deleting the raw Fraps files to clear up about 100GB of space. At that point I'll be recording some CSS demo's I got recently. There is some office gameplay with a Krieg and a Deathmatch video that I know for sure I can upload. So expect that sometime within the month hopefully.

I think that just about covers everything. Don't forget to ask us questions on the #AskVG video of the week every week. Also a reminder, the contest we are holding for 500 subs is closing in 2 weeks come tomorrow!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ask Vigil Gaming Week #3

Ask us more questions pl0x. <3

Q: "What were some of your firsts? What kind of games/game consoles you got and played first and how were your experiences with them? Do you miss playing them, and do you ever want to go back and play them?" by disutansu

A: Mike - The first gaming console I ever played on was I believe an NES, the big grey Nintendo thing. The first game I played was Duck Hunt or some Mario game on it. At the time I didn't really understand any of it because I was really young but overall it was really fun.
The first console I actually played consistantly was the Super Nintendo. My favourite game on that was Donkey Kong Country and I wrecked it up in that game. From time to time I feel like plugging it back in but then the moment passes and I don't.
The first console I ever actually wanted and received was a Nintendo 64. Best console ever. Hands down.

Dyzix - First game/consoles: Well obviously I played a lot of Gameboy and Pokemon when that was out, but I'm pretty sure my first big jump into PC gaming was Age of Empires 3. I played that game quiet a bit and while I was still very young when I played and I played quiet bad at it, it was still a big jump for me into PC gaming. What really brought me into the online experience however would have to be Runescape. I spent hours on the game when i was young, and leveled up and did quiet well. That has to be one of the first major games that I played very competitively and brought me into online gaming. As for console, I had a PlayStation 1, and my neighbor at the time also had an XBox. I later upgraded to a PlayStation 2 which I played a lot of Scooby-Doo on. Those were some fun simple times with games.

Do I miss them? In ways yes and in ways no. What I do miss is the simplicity of those games. It was simple. Go on and have fun. No worry about your ladder rankings. No worrying about KDR, no raging when you did bad, it was just simple fun. When you were bored you pop on and play. That's what I miss about gaming. I feel that as I've gotten more into gaming I have become more obsessed with ladder ranking, KDR, etc. It becomes less fun and more work in some ways.
Yet, I also enjoy the competitive scene. If you read my previous answer, I love SC2 for the competitiveness of it. I love the thrill of beating someone in a ladder match or getting a good score in an FPS game. This is what I do love about the new games, the competitiveness, yet I do also miss the laid back play of when I was a kid. This is why I try and always keep a balance between games like SC2 and L4D2, Some are just pure fun, the others are more competitive.

Sw1tch - My first console to play was Nintendo 64. I played an FPS called Golden Eye 007 and thats when I started playing FPS'. I miss it a lot, and I still have it so if you want to see some gameplay of it let me know. :)

Black - My first games were Wolfenstien 3D, Red Baron II and Risk, all for PC. I don't miss playing them because there are other games of the same genre that I can play and are even better. Would I ever want to go back and play them? No, I'm pretty sure none of them are supported by Vista.

SgtPepper - My first game that I played was Street Fighter 2 for Super Nintendo or SEGA. I still play it on XBox Live Arcade. My first shooter games were Golden Eye on N64, Turok and I think there was an expansion for 007 that I played. I still play those since I have an N64 emulator. Turok was kind of dull but 007 was amazing. I used to play it all the time with my friends. It was so fun.

Thanks for the question!
The new #AskVG video is up and it's the StarCraft 2 Safe Haven walkthrough video. Go ask us stuffz!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Ask Vigil Gaming Week #2

This week we got 1 question. Sigh, we were hoping this would be a good thing to communicate further with you guys but if this keeps up we may have to stop it all together. :(

Q: "How did VigilGaming get started? Like who came up with the idea, did you decide together that you wanted to do something like this, how did you decide on the games, etc." from disutansu

A: Vigil started pretty suddenly. Mike wanted to make a gaming channel for a while and then finally decided to put that wish in to action. He announced it over Vent to Sw1tch and Black and it was Sw1tch who suggested making a channel with him and both of them could post. So to answer the first question, Sw1tch is the person who had the idea of Vigil.

Prior to this Sw1tch had asked Mike to make a channel with him like this but Mike wasn't very interested in it for an unknown reason. It wasn't until he saw the major benefits in having more than one uploader that he thought it was a great idea when Sw1tch brought it up again.

We actually had 2 or so names prior to VigilGaming we were going to use but they were taken. It was Mike who threw "VigilGaming" out to Sw1tch and Black and thought it sounded awesome so he dictionaried what Vigil meant. After seeing that the definition was exactly what we wanted Sw1tch & Mike settled on the name while Black just agreed to everything.

When we started it was Sw1tch and Mike for about a day then we recruited Patar a day or 2 later when he told us he was going to start posting a Fear 2 walkthrough on his channel. Patar ended up leaving due to personal reasons but we're all still good friends and he can still be watched on the first half of the Portal walkthroughs. Around the same time we told Dyzix about the channel and told him a spot was always available for him to post and he accepted the offer. As for Black, he was technically an uploader from the start of Vigil but he's not too big on uploading stuff.

We never actually discussed what games we were going to post, it was more of a post-what-you-play type thing. So right away we knew we wanted to post Left 4 Dead 2, Counter-Strike Source & Modern Warfare 2 since those were the games we frequently played. After that it just sort of evolved in to checking our games Library and putting that stuff out. But we always had a sort of misison statement to deliver new games that were relevant above all else and we think we've stuck to that for the most part.

Thank you for your question. And remember guys, you can ask as many questions as long as they aren't uploader-specific questions on the video of ours with #AskVG at the beginning and end of the title of the video!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Welcome To Our New Uploader

Hello everybody.

It's our pleasure at Vigil Gaming to introduce to you guys a new uploader: Sgt. Pepper or simply, Cameron. Cameron is a real life friend of Sw1tch's and we look forward to seeing some XBox 360 gameplay from games such as Left 4 Dead 2, Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty 4, Halo 3 and soon Halo Reach!

So please help us introduce Sgt. Pepper by leaving a comment on this blog post or spamming his first video with messages! :)

Also, we have a new poll about Black Ops so make sure to vote.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ask Vigil Gaming Week #1

For our first week of Ask VigilGaming we received a grand total of 4 So we thought we'd answer all of them for you guys.
Make sure to leave your questions for next weeks Ask VigilGaming on our new marked video (with #AskVG in the title). The new video is part 1/2 of L4D2's Last Man on Earth gameplay.
We are not limiting how many questions per user we answer so if you keep asking us good question(s) we'll keep answering them.

Q: "What is the best Left 4 Dead kill you have ever gotten?" from Iskee01

A: Mike - The multiple out-the-window chargers on Dead Center or the 25 hunter pounces that result in death.

Sw1tch - Charging Sovereign out the window on Dead Center.

Black - Jockeying someone out the window to their death on Dead Center.

Dyzix - This is a hard one, seeing as I've played the game almost since it has been released. But from what I can remember it was probably when on Dead Center on the first level. I got a charger and there was a smoker on the ledge pulling people off. Two people were down and both were being revived. I charged both off the ledge and one to the ground. It was win.

Q: "In Left 4 Dead 2, do you have any favorite line(s) from any of the characters?" from disutansu

A: Mike - Anything Ellis says is good. My favourite has to be the gator talk or the Bridge finale monologue.

Sw1tch - When Coach says: "That long neck bitch hit me!"

Black - When Nick says: "Tits"

Dyzix - Hmm.."Axe me a question" -Rochelle

Q: "Do you have any other users on YouTube you enjoy watching?" from jrockpunk1

A: Mike - KassemG, AndyWarski, Philip DeFranco, ShayCarl, Nicepeter, twelthofadime, makemebad35, Julian Smith, Peter Chao, Tobuscus and Rucka Rucka Ali

Sw1tch - KassemG

Black - HopelessProd, Philip DeFranco

Dyzix - Oh man, I have tons. I have had my first YouTube account since 2006 and have been watching tons of people on YouTube. But if I had to pick a top few that I love watching right now it would have to be: Sxephil, HuskyStarcraft and HDstarcraft.

Q: "What is your favorite video game?" from crazyman1905

A: Mike - Pong

Sw1tch - Modern Warfare 2

Black - At the moment it's Left 4 Dead 2.

Dyzix - Wow, this is a terribly hard question for any gamer to really answer. There are so many good games I know and love, but if I had to pick right now it's simply Starcraft 2. It is a great strategy game to play as well as a great strategy game to watch professional plays. It is really helping the Esports scene in North America with so many multiple tournaments. My favorite part about it is the fact that no matter what league you are in, the Esports professional scene is something everyone can watch and enjoy.

Thank you for your questions and we'll see you next week!

New L4D DLC & Portal 2 Thoughts

For those of you that weren't able to catch GameTrailers TV last night or are just out of the loop, Valve announced a new DLC for Left 4 Dead, the comic, the future of L4D DLC's and Portal 2.

Let's start off with The Sacrifice which is the title of the new L4D DLC which does not have a release date as of yet. The Sacrifice will follow the L4D1 survivors as the story is told of how Bill truly dies. Now what I found interesting was that the guy from Valve talking about it said that there is 2 things that could happen and it's up to the players to decide. I really like that idea. I believe it's just how Bill dies, not whether or not he lives or dies. The other thing he said that caught me totally off guard was that The Sacrifice will also come out for L4D2. Saying that Valve doesn't want players to have to buy the original to find out Bill's fate they will let owners of L4D2 to play the L4D1 DLC on L4D2. I don't know how I feel about that. I'm kind of disappointed but at the same time I feel it's something new, so whatever.
The Valve rep also mentioned that L4D2 will obtain a new but old campaign, everyone's favourite, No Mercy. No Mercy is a campaign from the original L4D that everyone loved so they are putting it in L4D2. I've always thought NM looked pretty cool so I'm excited to play it and hand out a L4D2 walkthrough for it.
Finally in terms of L4D, the rep was asked if this is the end of DLC's for the L4D franchise to which he replied no. That's what I found really neat is that the story will keep on going and more DLC's are planned to come out. He also said MAYBE to a new survivor being introduced (probably for L4D1).

Now to the Portal 2 side of things. They were showing off some gameplay as well as talking about the game. At the moment it has a release date of February 9, 2011 which is amazing since it was announced not too long ago and knowing Valve they usually announce a game then release it a decade later so hopefully they don't postpone it. There are 2 things that got me the most excited. The first was the co-op campaign. They will let you play with a friend through a new set of puzzles completely different from the single player version. Hearing that the co-op and single player will be 2 different campaigns was a nice relief and I am really excited to see what the co-op side of the game will offer. The other announcement made was the possibility of cross-platform co-op. I have always had this dream of like a 100 player server full of different people from different consoles just battling it out but I guess this will do. If this feature is in the game that will give, for example, a PC gamer the opportunity to play with their friend on PS3.

The final announcement that wasn't really interesting to me but some of you may like is that Steam is coming to the PS3. Nice.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Bow Chicka Bow Wow

Hey guys it's Mike!

What's up with the title, you ask? Why do you care? Is it relevant? No. Now stop with your questions and let me talk will you? I'm sorry, it's late at night, I'm tired (but not really)...I said some things I shouldn't have said. But anyway.......

I just wanted to talk about my rape night in MW2 just now. I don't know what the hell was going on but I sure hope it's permanent. I was wrecking stuff up in the game! I managed to finish 2 request videos in under an hour, and the one request was a one shot (meaning I only played one game to get it)! I was working on a third request but I need to unlock Thermal on the primary so I was just playing some TDM and I was STILL wrecking stuff up! I almost got a Nuke so many times tonight, it was redicupiss. If this keeps up we should have a Nuke video very soon, and I should be done all your requests within a week. But, we all know it was probably just "one of those nights". :(

Anyway, Dyzix suggested that Black & I do a Best of 3 series in StarCraft 2 for you guys as he commentates it live. We were going to do it today but we played some other games so we might start it tomorrow, but really, who knows? Also, I think the loser of the series should have to face Dyzix as a punishment for losing. That should give at least myself enough initiative to win! Also, I'd like to post a Practice League 1v1 I had that was pretty cool as well as a Practice League 2v2 I did with a friend of mine that was actually very good. The only reason I want to post the PL stuff is to show you guys what SC2 is like from a new-comers perspective; one who didn't play SC1 very much, one who didn't play the Beta and one who is still learning SC2. I really believe there's not enough of these kinds of videos out there that are good and people go buy the game expecting it to be a cake walk and end up disappointed *cough* Bad Company 2 *cough*

Also, the 4 of us are planning to do a Vent recording for the new L4D2 Mutation since it's absolutely terrible. We're hoping that by doing this you guys can get somewhat of a pleasant experience out of the Mutation since Vent recordings are always fun. And speaking of L4D2, I recorded an amazing Realism Versus game today with Black and Sw1tch that I'll post sometime between tomorrow and the end of the year. The guys tried trollololing us at one point but we pooped on them.

Anyhoozle, hope you guys are having a good time wherever you are and whatever you're doing. Thanks for reading and good byyee!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Memorabilia Section On Channel

If you visit our channel page ( and scroll down to the bottom of our channel description box you will notice we have added a new section called MEMORABILIA which is where we will post our achievements as a channel on YouTube such as being the first channel to post certain things in a certain quality with certain features. Feel free to catch up on some history by checking it out.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Contest & #AskVG Video Up!

The contest is officially open and the new Ask Vigil Gaming segment has also started. Watch the video attached for details!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Contest & Ask VigilGaming

Mike is currently filming the contest video which also explains the new Ask VigilGaming segment. Upon finishing he will edit it and render it and post it for you guys as soon as he can.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Contest + Update

Hey guys it's Mike!

To start I want to talk about the contest Vigil Gaming is holding to celebrate 500 subscribers. The four uploaders have not actually talked about the rules and regulations of it yet so we need to do that first and all agree with what the contest will be. When that happens, hopefully within the next day or 2, we will post an official video on the channel telling all you guys what it is.

As for the update part of this post, get ready for some reading, if you continue.

For starters, and this isn't official yet, we are looking for a Ventrilo server to further interact with you guys, our subscribers. At the moment we don't really want to have to buy another Vent server with a lot of slots so what we'll probably do, if we do this, is find a random Vent server that's empty and occupy it since there is a lot of those servers just lying around.

To go even further in our hopes to better communicate with you guys, we will be starting a Ask VigilGaming segment. What this will be is that one video a week will be posted (just a regular gameplay) but the title will have some sort of hashtag (i.e. #AskVG) at the end of it and that will mean that is the video you guys can post your questions for us on. You'll be able to post as many questions as long as they are all different. We would prefer if you guys do post questions that are general that the 4 of us can talk about not a uploader-specific question. We'll probably end up talking more about this on our contest video.

Now for the gameplay side of things starting with StarCraft 2. As you all know I am doing a single player walkthrough for the game. There is a total of 29 missions and I have done 10 of those. The only issue I'm having, which is the reason the videos aren't very consistent as of late, is that the longer videos keep getting the audio cut at around half way or three quarters in to it. That's very frustrating since not only is it just gameplay without any sort of audio but what's worse it that some of the cinematics are audioless which renders the video basically useless. But besides that, do expect some more multiplayer footage in the near future.

As for Counter-Strike Source I am trying to get another gameplay for you guys using an M3 on cs_office. That's a lot harder than I thought it would be. I actually had a gameplay ready to Fraps but I waited too long and an update broke all my demo's so I have to re-record all of it. Also for CSS, you can expect Dyzix's video from the poll sometime soon since his computer issues are over with and he has a new PC, which can run games at awesome quality. Also, for anyone wondering, there will probably be no new videos from the NEW CSS Beta that was released a few days ago simply because there's nothing there worth making a video about.

For Modern Warfare 2 we are still playing and posting videos on it. For those of you wondering why there hasn't been any request videos in a while from me, that's because I've just been really enjoying playing with the Intervention. Plus the request I'm working on required me to get 300 kills with a gun to unlock FMJ, but now that I have everything I need for the request I'll be trying to get it just as long as WeGame doesn't keep crashing on startup like it has been the last couple days. As for Sw1tch's videos, he couldn't post a Weird Setup Wednesday video this week because he was on vacation and had other things in relation to that to enjoy, but there should be a new video for next Wednesday. He will also be continuing to post his mini/night/montages as well as gamepaly videos with at least 2 people commentating since he likes to have someone to talk to while he commentates. Finally, if you're wondering, I have a total of 11 requests to get to while Sw1tch has a decent amount as well, so please be patient.

You've probably noticed new Alien Swarm videos aren't very frequent. The reason for that is just that I haven't been playing the game very much. As of this posting I am only missing a few levels with difficulties: Cargo Elevator on Insane, Deima Surface Bridge on Insane, SynTek Residential on Insane, Sewer Junction B5 on Insane and Timor Station on Hard or Insane. I don't know when or if I'll get all of them but only time will tell.

For Left 4 Dead 2 our main concern is just getting the Mutation videos out to you each week. As some of you know, we do still enjoy playing Realism Versus and we actually invite everyone who is online in the Steam group to play with us, so make sure you're in the group! We usually don't record every game we play which has actually turned out to be bad since we've had some great games, but maybe one day you guys will see another RV gameplay.

Half-Life is ALMOST done. I just need to post one more online gameplay video and then the game will be put on the Inactive list until people start requesting more. I have a gameplay video I just need to Fraps and then commentate but I haven't gotten around to it. The same goes for Opposing Force. I need 2 more gameplays for OpFor and at the moment I have one demo waiting to be Fraps'd. However, OpFor isn't a popular game and it's hard finding a server with people on it that I can get some gameplay with.

If you guys are waiting for some Call of Duty 4 gameplays then you won't have to wait very long since Sw1tch does have 1 or 2 videos he just needs to commentate and then post for you.

Finally, for those wondering if I will be doing a Half-Life 2 walkthrough after StarCraft 2 the answer is yes. However, if things keep going the way they are I'll probably be done SC2 by the time school starts and seeing as though I'm in my senior year I don't know how much time I'll have to do these videos, especially as the semester progresses. And just to clarify, even though I've said it multiple times, yes: I will do the Episode 1 & 2.

But I think that wraps it up for this long post. Thanks for reading if you have.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

StarCraft 2 & Blue Shift

Hey guys it's Mike!

I want to start off by quickly mentioning the Half-Life: Blue Shift walkthroughs. About 2 hours ago I finished the game and, of course, filmed it all. About an hour after that I completed all the editing and part 1 out of 2 of level 3 is saving right now. I think level 3 is the longest level with part 1 being 13 minutes while part 2 is 14. Hooray for the new YouTube increase in video lengths! So Blue Shift is technically done. The next game I plan on doing a walkthrough on is Half-Life 2 but that may change really quickly. Read the next paragraph for more information.

I plan on buying StarCraft 2 soon. I've been bugging my mom to give me a ride to EB Games today but she's busy so I'm not sure if I'll be getting it today. However, I do plan on getting it within a couple days (hopefully by Monday at the latest). When I do get it I plan on starting a single player walkthrough right away. The only thing I'm worried about is the system requirements. The minimum requirements I barely meet and my video card isn't even close to meeting it. I just hope that I'll be able to run everything smoothly with Fraps on while everything stays at Low quality.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

StarCraft 2 & New Walkthrough

Hey guys it's Mike!

Tomorrow is the day you can expect Vigil Gaming to start uploading StarCraft 2 gameplay from the retail game as it just came out today, July 27. Dyzix already has it and is enjoying it while making some videos and Black will be getting it tomorrow and post some single player for you guys!

Also, the Opposing Force walkthrough is complete and it only took me 6 days to finish it all so that was nice. For the multiplayer I plan on doing the exact same thing as Half-Life: post 2 gameplays then put the game under Inactive until a fair amount of people request more. The next game I will be doing a walkthrough for is the final Half-Life expansion, Blue Shift, which only contains 6 levels so I plan to complete it within a few days. It does not have a multiplayer component so, obviously, I can't post any gameplays of it.

Monday, July 26, 2010

New Game?

Hey guys it's Mike!

I just wanted to let you guys know that I've had a bit of a craving to play some Team Fortress 2 so I'm installing it right now! I'll be posting videos on it sometime in the near future. But there's a bit of a problem. In TF2 I almost never play any other class other than Sniper and any map other than 2fort...but I'll try some new stuff for you guys. Leave me some suggestions for maps I should check out!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Join Chat!

Hey guys it's Mike!

Our Steam group has grown by like 15 people since the videos and that's great! We had a bit of fun today with some of you in the new L4D2 Mutation.

I just want to let you guys know that there is almost always someone in the chat room from Vigil Gaming so if you want to hang out and maybe set up some games get in there and lets discuss things!

Friday, July 23, 2010

New Mutation Friday + Update

Hey guys it's Mike!

It's Friday! That means a new Mutation comes out for Left 4 Dead 2 in about 4 hours called "Healthpackalypse". It's a Versus mode Mutation that takes out any and all health packs. This will be very fun to play as Infected while being a Survivor will require lots of teamwork and conservative playing. Our gameplay video for this Mutation will include both Infected & Survivor points of view. And we'll probably be playing on Dead Center.

Right now I'm sitting in Vent with Black, eating cereal and watching a new Shaytards vlog while a 2 part Opposing Force walkthrough saves for level 4. Once both parts are saved I'll begin uploading them while I save level 5 which is like a minute and a half. Once THAT's done I have level 6 to save which is about 8 minutes but I don't know if level 5 or 6 will be posted today.

I am also working on a new Counter-Strike Source gameplay for you guys. It's me using an M3 on cs_office. This was requested a while back so I thought I'd get it done. I think I have a decent amount of footage and will start Frapsing it eventually.

Finally, tonight I will try to get a new Alien Swarm video out. All the videos I have left have a lot of slow motion and stuff so the demo's will be all screwed up. I'll probably just go play some Hard mode with Fraps on and record while I play. I'll try to get a Hard mode Cargo Elevator out to you guys since that's a fun map. And speaking of Alien Swarm, I got my first Promotion yesterday and am currently level like 10. Promoting is so not worth is since you get nothing for it, not even an achievement so I don't think I'll be doing any more Promoting (which is like Prestiging). And also, I've started playing on Insane mode and it's really fun. Not as hard as I expected but definitely challenging. I demoed an Insane mode Landing Bay so you have that coming your way as well!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Hey guys it's Mike!

I forgot to mention this on Monday but I'm glad to announce that Vigil Gaming was the first channel on YouTube to upload a multiplayer gameplay video of Alien Swarm about 20 minutes before others did. We were also the first channel to give it to you in HD.
And before all of you PMS on me and say: "There's been a gameplay video up for so long!" you're technically right. But that isn't multiplayer, and it's 1:20 of like a montage gameplay video.
So in that respect, congratulations to Vigil Gaming for yet another YouTube first.

Also I'd like to quickly talk about the walkthroughs. Bad Company 2 will be finished tomorrow with only one video to upload first thing when I wake up. After that I think I'm going to start the Opposing Force walkthroughs starting with Training Room (Boot Camp). I've also decided that I don't really want to do a Modern Warfare walkthrough, at least not at the moment, so after OpFor and Blue Shift I'll probably dive straight in to Half-Life 2 which I calculated out to be 26 levels with the 2 episodes included. So hopefully I'll be able to upload more than one level a day....

One last thing is that I plan to release at least one Alien Swarm gameplay each day so you guys have that coming your way as well.

Monday, July 19, 2010

400 Subs + Update

Hey guys it's Mike!

Today, July 19, 2010 Vigil Gaming hit 400 subscribers! This is just over 2 months after the channel was started and 18 days since we had 300 subscribers. Thank you to all of our subscribers and we hope to keep growing and putting out content for you all.

Right now I'm downloading Alien Swarm which was released for free on Steam today. I'm not a big fan of 3rd person shooters but it was made by Valve so it's definitely worth checking out. Sw1tch said he'd also get it with me so if he gets online we'll play together, otherwise I'm on my own. Now, seeing as this is a brand new game and there's people looking for gameplay Vigil Gaming will probably post some for you guys and anyone else looking for it. Whether or not we'll continue posting Alien Swarm videos depends on if the game is good or not.

Also, the level 10 walkthrough for Bad Company 2 will be up sometime today. It's a 3 part video. We're almost done with the game so we can move on from it.

Finally, I have the first Half-Life multiplayer video ready to be saved and uploaded and I'll hopefully do that sometime today or tomorrow. Then I'll be getting one more multiplayer video then putting Half-Life on the Inactive Games list for the time being until a fair amount of people request more videos.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

What's After Half-Life?

Hey guys it's Mike!

If you've been on YouTube today you've noticed that I've completed the Half-Life single player walkthrough. At the moment I plan to put out 2 multiplayer gameplays with commentary then stop posting HL videos unless a fair majority of people want more.

Tomorrow I jump right back in to walkthroughs with Bad Company 2 where I'll be uploading at least level 5, Crack The Sky which is 2 parts. Once I finish the BC2 walkthrough I may try and use WeGame to record some multiplayer footage of what BC2 REALLY is for people who just buy it, not that pro crap you see splattered on YouTube.

After BC2 I want to do a whole bunch of things at once but I can't. At the moment I think I'm going to do an Opposing Force walkthrough and then a Blue Shift walkthrough for Half-Life and post 2 multiplayers gameplays if they have any. After that I may do a walkthrough for COD4 followed by Modern Warfare 2. Then finally, I'll start the Half-Life 2 walkthroughs, which will include Episode 1 & 2, then post some multiplayer footage. That's my current plan, but it may change.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Moar CSS Pl0x!

Hey guys it's Mike!

Quite a few of you are a little impatient and need your dosage of CSS videos. Well I got good news for you. Dyzix will be doing a CSS video as promised for the poll winner. In addition to that, I have 2 CSS videos I just need to commentate. They're not actual gameplays like me playing de_nuke with an AK or something. They're just 2 CSS videos of things people have been asking us to do for a while.

The first video I have is of Hide & Seek gameplay. My commentary is going to need to be quite interesting to make up for the lack of it in this video. Hide & Seek is not fun at all and it's very boring. But you guys wanted it so we got it for you. That video is 6 minutes.
The second video is of BHop servers on the map bhop_eazy. This video is almost 6 minutes but it's just me playing the BHop map since you guys wanted us to do this.

We'll try to get some more legit gameplays out to you guys. Also, we're looking in to give you guys, the requesters, gameplay of Deathrun and Zombie Run. I don't know if those are the right names of the mods but they sound right so I'm sticking to it.

Alright? There. CSS videos. Now quit cryin'!

Friday, July 9, 2010

MW2 Request Setup Extravaganza

Hey guys it's Mike!

I've been playing MW2 a lot more lately and have managed to plow through some of your guys' request setups. At the moment I've done 4 requests and still have 6 more to go (including the new one I'm working on now).

I don't know when I'll be posting them but perhaps I'll post one tomorrow. So keep your requests coming!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tactical Nuke, Anyone?

Hey guys it's Mike!

So I'm pretty happy right now. I just played MW2 for the first time in about 2 weeks and decided to play some Demolition and I was tearing it up. I don't know if it was me or the people I played against sucked but holy I was doing pretty good. I managed to record one game on Subbase that I'll post sometime. I didn't record any other full games because I was trying to do a request and I sucked with it so I'd switch to my ACR and kill everything.

So I was playing Scrapyard, right? And I got a Harrier, right? So I hit record, right? Long story short I got a Nuke. Vigil Gaming's first Tactical Nuke. I will be uploading this Nuke tomorrow after I film something for my local news show. It's not the full game but no where in the rules of VG's first Nuke did it say we have a full game. According to the bet, it was just "whoever got Vigil Gaming's first Nuke gets 30 e-cookies and 15 e-cookies for every second of win" and well...I guess that's me.

Where's your Nuke, Sw1tch?

Channel Modification & CONTEST

Hey guys it's Mike!

So I'll start off with some quick, uninteresting news. I've been looking at our channel page and editing it accordingly. I fixed up our description box where it says what we do. Also in there I changed what games we feature, definite future games, possible future games and also added a new Inactive Games part where I moved 3 games (Portal, CSS Beta, SC2 Beta). This new up to date gives everyone a clear understanding the direction Vigil Gaming is planning on going as well as lets you guys know what we no longer post videos for. Finally, I did some minor touch ups to make the box a little neater.

Now the contest. I'm not going to go in to much detail now but I will say that it will be a contest for when we hit 500 subscribers. As of this posting we stand at 322 so we need 178 more. Tell your friends and help us hit 500! The contest will call on your artistic talents. Make sure to stay posted to this blog as we near 500 subs for more information.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

HL & BC2 Walkthroughs Coming!

Hey guys it's Mike!

Today I played some Half-Life and Bad Company 2 and filmed the next levels' walkthroughs. In Half-Life I played level 8, On A Rail, and am currently uploading and saving the videos. These are 3 parts. At the moment, Part 1 is uploading with 11 minutes left and Part 2 is saving with 70% left to go.

After the Half-Life walkthroughs I'll be posting the Bad Company 2 walkthroughs for level 4, Upriver. These are also 3 parts.

Finally, after all that I'll be posting a new 10 second Fail of the Day from Half-Life when I was trying to do the walkthrough and died and it was pretty funny the way I reacted to it.

I'm planning on playing these games a bit more often to finish them both off relatively quickly. I'm considering just playing through one game at a time starting with Half-Life since I'm now on level 9 out of 18 while in BC2 I'm on level 5 out of 13 and the Half-Life levels are easier and faster for the most part.

Summer Fun and Poll Talk

Hey guys, as many of you may know, it's summer holidays for us here in Vigil Gaming as we are still all in Highschool and we are loving it up!

I just wanted to let you know that I R Black and I (Dyzix) are friends in RL and we're going to be going on a summer trip to beaches and all that fun stuff. So, we're just letting you guys know because you will most likely have to see videos from Mike and Switch for a few days.

I might try and put out either the first part of CoD: WaW walk through or Bioshock 2 harvesting walk through but it all depends if I have the time to publish the movies and get the uploading going as it will be a packed couple of days.

Also, seeing the results of the poll, I will not neglect them and you guys can expect a Counter Strike Source video specficaly for the poll, but keep voting because you never know what could win. I have a few ideas in mind for some CSS vids as well as other game types so stay tuned for that.

As well, I'll go into this more in further detail later on, but I'm going to be starting a new series were every weekish (I say weekish because depend on the week & the poll it may be longer or shorter than a week) I will post a poll on this blog allowing you guys to choose what you want to see. Once the poll finishes and a winner is chosen, I will make that video. This will allow you guys to get the videos you want to see on a consistent base by voting for what you want. Anyway, I'll go in more detail later.

Thanks for reading,

Friday, July 2, 2010

New Mutation Videos Up!

Hey guys Mike here!

I'd just like to quickly mention our 2 Versus Survival videos are now uploaded and waiting for you to view them! Once again we are the first channel to bring you gameplay footage from the new Mutation so we hope you guys appreciate it.

Don't forget to comment, rate, subscribe and tell your friends about us! Thanks! <3

Just Waiting...

Hey guys it's Mike from Vigil Gaming.

Black and I are sitting in Ventrilo waiting for the new Left 4 Dead 2 Mutation to go live. Dyzix is currently away so we're hoping he returns before the Mutation is up because the more people we have the better and more organized the strat is as well as the video comes out better. Sw1tchy is also away filming for his montage but his brother is on Steam so I'm sure there will be at least 3 of us present in the video.

As mentioned before, the Mutation is Versus Survival. It will probably go live within the next hour and a video will be coming your way somewhere around 5-7pm EST.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Whats up its Sw1tch.

Hey Guys its Sw1tch or Sw1tchy, or whatever you want to call me, Sw1tchEazy also works. Anyways, for your information i am currently working on a montage for a game. lol and i already have about 45 seconds of footage from the clips i've gathered and still currently recording and getting more. I'm trying to make it around 3-5 minutes long. Not too long but not too short, thats what she said. lol anyways thats all i had to say. REMEMBER to post request-a-setup's in my call of duty videos so you guys can see me play with your favorite guns and perks and what not.
Stay Tuned and Keep Gaming


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hey I'm Mike

Hey guys I'm Mike from Vigil Gaming and I'd like to just say Hello to any of you reading this.

In this post I'd like to talk about some of the things you all can expect from Vigil Gaming in the coming weeks.

So for starters I'll talk about what I have planned. At the moment I have 2 Modern Warfare 2 request videos that are ready to be uploaded and will be soon, hopefully. I plan to continue doing these requests so long as I don't kill myself from the stupid matches I'm in. These requests, at the moment, are my main focus in MW2 so I won't be doing my custom classes for a bit. When the Ressurgence Pack comes out for PC I intend to get it and post gameplays of the new maps with either requested or custom classes.

For Left 4 Dead 2 a brand new Mutation comes out this Friday, Versus Survival. We expect to have a video for you guys, from both Infected & Survivor points of view upload about 2-4 hours after the Mutation goes public. We're also trying to get some gameplay of regular Survival mode along with more Realism Versus and Scavenge while taking our time on the campaign walkthroughs.

A lot of you have been asking us to do more Counter-Strike Source videos and we're trying. We know that a lot of you subbed to us off that CSS update video and we really do appreciate it but please understand we are a multi-game channel. However, we will try to post those a bit more frequently. We've had requests to do Hide & Seek as well as Deathrun so we will be looking in to showcasing those.

I also am trying hard to finish up the Half-Life and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 walkthroughs so I can move on to other games, namely Half-Life 2, Team Fortress 2, COD4 and all that other good stuff.

Dyzix will be uploading a BioShock 2 walkthrough as he harvests the sisters. Since the game doesn't have many "levels" he will be staggering the videos as to not overwhelm you guys with a crap ton of videos in your subscription box. He is also going to be uploading some World At War videos, namely Nazi Zombie footage with Black.

Sw1tch is going to continue uploading gameplays for MW2. He's trying to get some Bad Company 2 online footage for you guys but it's hard to find a game where it's a lot of action so we hope to get some of that up soon. He is also working on a montage for you guys for a game we will not tell you yet. More information to come so stay posted.

Finally, peer pressure is slowly working itself on I R Black and we HOPE to see him start posting some videos in the not-so-distant future. His first upload may or may not be of Red Alert. But everyone spam him with peer pressure! DO IT!

The last thing I want to quickly mention is that StarCraft2 comes out at the end of July. I know Dyzix and Black will for sure be getting it. Dyzix actually has it on pre-order so he will probably be the first one of us to play the full game. I think my brother actually pre-ordered it as well so we'll see. I'm not that in to StarCraft but I'll give it a try after my 2 week addiction when I first played the original StarCraft. Our goal is to post some good gameplays of the beta that will be live 2 weeks prior to the official launch date. We also hope to be the first channel on YouTube to upload and finish the single-player campaign.

Anyway, if you read that whole thing you are a God amongst men. Thanks very much and see you later!

StarCraft 2 Beta Rumored to be coming out early July!

Hey guys, Dyzix here.

So I've been doing my research and talking/listening to some well known names in SC2 as well as just some random websites, and it looks like SC2 is planning to go on their second phase of beta from anywhere between July 1-5th

While Blizzard has made no official announcement (how surprising) it is generally accepted that they need sufficient time to do their work before the game goes live while also leaving the 2-2.5ish weeks of Beta Phase 2 Open. This is where the July 1st to 5th predictions come in.

What does this mean for Vigil Gaming? It means that when the Beta goes live, you can be expecting tons of videos from I R Black and I (Dyzix) as we have played the first phase and loved it.

Stay tuned, we'll keep you posted as more news comes out!

Call Of Duty Pack Steam Sale Review

Hey guys, Dyzix here today to bring you a Vigil Gaming review on the Call of Duty Pack Sale on Steam.

What is it?
Steam is currently holding a summer sale which allows you to purchase call of duty 1, call of duty 2, COD3, COD4 and COD5 (WAW)

This is where the sale get amazing. All of these games are on sale for 30 dollars. Yes, 30 dollars. Keep in mind that you can get COD4 or COD5 alone for just 30 dollars, but then you get all the other games for free if you purchase this.

Buy it if you are looking for some new call of duty action and you don't have either COD4 or COD5. Buying COD4 or COD5 will give you a new call of duty experince, much better than MW2 experience, and on top of that, you get multiple games for free that you can play when ever you want. It is worth it, go check it out, buy it if you can. It is simple and easy to use and well worth 30 dollars.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

BioShock 2 Review

Hey guys. It's Dyzix here from vigil gaming and I'm here to bring you...

BIO SHOCK 2 review!

So, I've just recently finished with the single players after playing through the first time as the good guy who rescues all the little sisters and I love the game. Here is more detail:

Story Line- Stunning. It's captivating, easy to follow and pulls you directly in the game. I couldn't find many things to complain about. This game is just stunning in this aspect. You cannot find many things wrong with it, no major flaws, yet it keeps you compelled and always pulling on your heart strings.

GamePlay - Simple and fun is the easiest way to put it. The game play is intense and exciting and always has you on your toes. With so many variety of attacks, theres so much immersion into the game. Meele attacks, Plasmas, Drills, Rockets, machine guns, you name it, it's all in there and it keeps the game play rich.

Graphics -While I don't like to base a game off it's graphics. It's important to mention the graphics in BioShock 2 which are amazing.

Straight Forwardness - Now I don't see a lot of people doing reviews on this in a sense yet I will definitely do it for all single player games and I encourage others to do it as well. I HATE getting stuck at some stupid level because it doesn't tell you what to do. However, Bioshock 2 has mastered the art of keeping the game challenging yet straight forward and always give you hints and a pleasant arrow to tell you which way to go and what to do. This makes the the game comfortable for all and a much better play.

Length - While I only beat Bioshock 2 in roughly 7 hours of game play, it is definitely a purchase I don't regret. With multilayer still not being talked about (and it will be in a later review) the single player experience alone brings this game so much. On top of that, this game has alternate endings which gets the replay value much higher. But the most important thing to remember about this game is that it is quality gameplay you will get for 7-8 hours of one walk-through. A developer could easily make a game 30 hours long if they made it boring. Bioshock is quality and it is a fine length with high replay value.

Dyzix's rating:

It is a stunning game. Pick it up if you can, it is well worth it, with it only being 30 dollars on steam (15 dollars on sale if you act fast) and it is worth your money. You will get quality game play with a multilayer and a high single player game mode and it is definetly worth a 9.5/10.

Nazi Zombie + WaW vids coming your way!

Hey guys,

Dyzix here from vigil gaming today to bring you a post on some new and exciting news on some future videos for Vigil Gaming. I R Black and I have just recently purchased Call of Duty World at War and we will very shortly be coming out with some Nazi zombie game while also doing a full CO-OP walk through with duel commentary of the whole game. Be sure to look out for the Call of Duty videos in the future, we're hoping you guys will enjoy and we will make it as entertaining as possible.

On another note, what do you guys think of WaW and Nazi zombies in particular? Do you love it? Hate it? Does anyone else, besides myself, want it in Black Ops? I personally have my fingers crossed for it as Nazi Zombies can provide hours of fun. Let us know down below! Thanks

Friday, June 25, 2010

Why CSS DOESN'T sucks after Update.

ALL doantions go to Vigil Gaming and their website + Channel.

Mike disproves why the counter strike source update doesn't suck.

- Map List
- Freeze Cam
- Achievements
- Lag
- Tick
- Surf
- Jailbreak
- Gun Game

What do you think? Let us know down below!

Left 4 Dead 2 Tank Ownage

ALL donations go towards Vigil Gaming, their site and channel.

Hey guys. So, Mike made this awesome video for the contest that Valve had a while ago, it didn't win but it's still an awesome video! Check it out!


Protoss Run Tips for New StarCraft 2 Players

All Donations go to Vigil Gaming Website and the Channel.

Dyzix shows some simple yet effective tips for NEW starcraft 2 players who are just jumping into the franchise. This was recorder in the BETA. Check back for more soon!


MW2 Free For all Game play with Commentary

All Donations go Vigil Gaming and their website plus channel.

Mike brings you an ACR gameplay in Modern Warfare 2. Do you guys still like this game? What needs to change? Let us know in the comments

ALL Donations go to Vigil Gaming and to the channel and site

Switch brings you an absolute beast montage that really challenges Optic gaming for their role as top sniper. Enjoy and Optic Gaming, Switch is waiting for a challenge!!

Fly like a Deagle - CSS Montage

ALL donations go directly to Vigil Gaming Channel and Site.

Mike Brings you a nice CSS Deagle montage. Plenty of head shots for all to enjoy.

ALL DONATIONS go directly to Vigil Gaming and get put into our sites. Nothing Gets Taken out.

Hey guys, Dyzix brings you an awesome AWPing spree on CSS. This was before the update but i has some crazy awping action. Hope you enjoy!

Left 4 Dead 2 Realism Versus GamePlay!

All Donations go directly to the VigilGaming Channel and Site.

We do a run through of some Left 4 Dead 2 Realism Versus. Played with all of us, we have some fun tips and intresting gameplay that all Left 4 Dead 2 fans can enjoy.

Please suggest gameplay videos down below or directly on our youtube channel.