All Donations go Directly to Vigil Gaming YouTube and Wesbite!


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Confirmed Xbox Lobby Date

Saturday October, 2nd 2 PM Central is the confirmed time for the halo reach open lobby.
Add my GamerTag, S w 1 t c h to your friends list on Xbox Live and i will invite everyone to come join the lobby. if do do not have room or do not want me on your friends list, send me a private chat invite, view profile, then join my session.
This will be a lot of fun so don't miss out.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Open Lobby Times

Hey everyone it's Mike!

I quickly wanted to confirm the time that the open lobby for PC will start. For PC (and it looks like we'll be playing Counter-Strike Source) the open lobby will begin at 5PM Eastern time. That is when I'll mass invite anyone that is online in the Steam group to chat and then at around 5:10-5:20pm we'll head in to a server and play some gaimez! If you don't live in the Eastern time zone just Google "what is 5pm est in INSERT YOUR TIME ZONE HERE" and you'll find out.

The XBox 360 open lobby time hasn't been confirmed though it does look like Halo: Reach is the game that'll be played. Sw1tch is making a video announcing the times and such for Friday and I'll see if I can get to him to mention the PC time as well before he posts it.

We hope to see you all either on XBox 360 or on PC. And remember, these lobbies WILL be recorded and WILL be posted on to the VigilGaming YouTube channel. So if you want to be in a video and showcase some of the skill we know you all have then make sure to join us! The lobbies will last anywhere from an hour to a year.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Ask Vigil Gaming Week #5

This week we got one question and it had nothing to do with gaming. See? They don't have to be relevant to us. The new #AskVG video is the contest winners announced video which is now featured on our channel page so make sure to ask us something!

Q: "Pancakes or waffles?" by TahBattle

Mike - Pancakes. Extra syrup.

Black - Wuuufles.

Dyzix - Waffles. For a full explanation as to why visit the Wikipedia article for Waffles.

Sw1tch - Blue waffles.

SgtPepper - waffles. :D

Friday, September 24, 2010

Open Lobby, Contest, Poll Results

Hey guys it's Mike!

In this post I'll be covering the 3 things mentioned in the title in order.

The open lobby will be explained in the contest video but basically it'll be on Saturday, October 2, 2010 at a currently unknown time for a currently unknown game. The last 2 things will be revealed throughout the week on this blog so make sure to check back in. The open lobby will be both on XBox 360 and PC simultaneously unless one has less than the other. The lobby/lobbies WILL be filmed and uploaded on to our channel.

The contest that celebrated our 500th subscriber is coming to an end in about 2 hours so if you have an entry you'd like to send in send it in NOW! I'll be filming the video announcing the winners probably tomorrow and it'll be uploaded probably late Saturday or Sunday. One thing I find quite cool is that when the contest video was first posted we had around 522 subs and now a month later when the contest is over we're at 722. I was hoping we'd be over 800 by the time the contest ended but oh well, we're on our way regardless.

The recent poll was: "What's your favorite game that Vigil posts on?" with the following results: Left 4 Dead 2 and Counter-Strike Source both at 29% (5 votes), Modern Warfare at 17% (3 votes), StarCraft 2 and Other at 11% (2 votes) and Alien Swarm receiving no votes. This information lines up perfectly with our channels Insight information with Left 4 Dead 2 and Counter-Strike Source dominating our most viewed charts followed by StarCraft. All of this, of course, prior to the launch of Halo: Reach which has all but subtly swept some of our older popular videos out. This poll was also really helpful in confirming what people want to see on Vigil. We'll try and get some more CSS and L4D2 out to you guys, especially with the new DLC being released in 2 weeks for L4D2.

This week's poll is "What games should we play at the open lobby?". The top 2 will probably be the ones that we choose. However, if a game we don't like or not many people have is a winner we may switch it out. This poll will end on Friday, October 1, 2010 just in time for the open lobby. The system in the brackets represents what we'll play it on. If you'd like to vote for an XBox 360 and PC game than all you need to do is vote on 2 separate computers.

Thanks everyone.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Contest Reminder

This is a reminder that our 500 subscriber contest is coming to an end THIS Friday, September 24, 2010 at Midnight EST.

You all still have 4 days (including today) to send us your best, creative design(s) of a background and/or avatar for our channel page. Remember, you WILL be given credit in a video announcing the winners as well as your channel featured on our page.

For full contest rules visit our channel page and watch the auto-playing featured video called CONTEST & Ask Us Questions.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Happy 700 Subs!

We'd like to thank all of you for subscribing and supporting us. Today marks our 700th subscriber in just over 4 months of being on YouTube.

We hope to continue growing and providing you all with quality gameplays of old and new games.

Thanks again everyone!
- Vigil Gaming

Friday, September 17, 2010

No More Modern Warfare 2?

Hey guys it's Mike.

I wanted to tell you guys that for the most part, Vigil Gaming is done posting Modern Warfare 2 gameplays. I myself have actually, finally, quit playing the game since it's so terrible. I'm only going to be playing private matches with my friends since that is actually fun and not annoying.

Sw1tch himself has really cut back on the game seeing as it's boring to him as well, mainly because not many of his friends play it anymore.

SgtPepper is now occupied with Halo: Reach and respectively so. If I had to choose between Reach and MW2 I'd pick Halo any day...and I'm not even a big fan of the series.

With all that being said I do want to mention that I have a few more gameplays sitting on my desktop I want to upload. I have an 18-0 Intervention TDM on Highrise which I'm now debating whether or not to post, an interesting 1.94 KDR Barret Domination game on Terminal that I'll probably post and 2 request videos which I for sure will post. I also have a montage that isn't a montage coming out soon. It's basically my friends and I playing some private matches and getting sweet game winning kills with reactions. Some of the stuff is sick.

Now for anyone who has caught on to what this means for all the other requests that have been left undone, it basically means we're not going to do your MW2 requested setup. If you REALLY wanted to have us do it then we're sorry. However, seeing as all the requests that remain are either stupid and/or extremely hard (i.e. Knife only with RPD, Stinger, Smokes, Tac Insert, Marathon, Lightweight & Commando) I don't see how anyone that requested them honestly thought we'd do them. I think they were just like "What's a stupid setup that'll give them grief? Oh I know!"

But yeah. That's all I have to say on that subject.
Just a reminder though, our avatar/background contest ends NEXT Friday, September 24, 2010 at Midnight EST!! You guys have 7 days to do something if you're entering!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ask Vigil Gaming Week #4

These are the 2 questions we answered for the fourth week of Ask Vigil Gaming. Thanks to our two questioners. This weeks #AskVG video is a bit delayed but it'll be out sometime soon and it'll probably be a Halo: Reach video.

Q: "Do you enjoy doing these commentaries?" by Iskee01

A: Mike - Of course otherwise I wouldn't be doing them. However, I will say that sometimes the whole process of doing the commentaries like filming, editing, rendering and even commentating some of the longer videos is tedious.

Dyzix - Yes, I do enjoy them. I think its a great way to get involved to talk directly to your community and to put a face to the videos we upload. It is something that is fun to do to hear the feedback from the community as well for myself as an uploader to get opinions and such in the commentary. All in all it is very fun.

Sw1tch - I do but I don't. The reason I don't is because I run out of things to say and it get's awkward so I'm just like "What am I supposed to say?" And planning for commentaries is dumb.

Black - Sure...even though I don't really do them.

SgtPepper - No I'd rather just upload a game and put some music behind it. I guess I'm good at commentaries I just don't want to do them even though I've never uploaded a game with music but I might start.

Q: "All of you have done a lot of gaming, but what was the most difficult game or a certain part of a game you've played? Like you kept dying and always had to restart or it was the most insane boss battle ever... this could come from your earlier gaming days too." from disutansu

A: Mike - There was this one mission in Modern Warfare 2 that got me real worked up. I don't remember the name of it but you're on a boat with a weapon that has Thermal and you're trying to kill people, obviously, but I kept getting shot from every angle while the bots did nothing for me. Also, in Donkey Kong Country I could never get past the 3rd level I think. There was a jump I could never land and it sucked. Also, in Golden Eye I could never get past like the 4th level because I just didn't know where to go. As for the hardest boss fight it was the spider boss from Half-Life since I was so low on health I kept dying from falling in the second stage of the battle.

Dyzix - Level 5 Boss from Contra Shattered Soldier. If someone does that boss fight from Vigil Gaming I will love you. One of the hardest and most annoying boss fights ever. Can you say rage quit?

Sw1tch - The last level of 007 Goldeneye was hard as hell and it took me many tries to beat it.

Black - Games dont challenge me, I challenege them.

SgtPepper - The hardest game experience I've had in console gaming is trying to beat Halo 3 on Legendary mode with all skulls enabled. It took me about a month of afternoon sessions to just beat the first 5 levels. I didn't finish doing it, I realized it was a complete waste of time since there was no way to prove that I had actually done it since I didn't have a capture card back then.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Halo: Reach!

Hey guys it's Mike!

I wanted to remind everyone that Halo: Reach comes out, for me, in 2 hours. Though I won't be getting it at all, SgtPepper will be getting it in 3 hours at the midnight premiere along with his Halo: Reach XBox 360. He is going to be making a video of Halo: Reach as SOON as possible. I'm talking like 1-2 hours after he gets it, minus all the rendering, commentating and other stuff that goes in to making the videos. The first video will probably be a walkthrough with commentary for the first level and then you can definitely expect more multiplayer footage throughout the week. An easy way to keep up to date with Halo: Reach is, of course, to subscribe or you can check out the Halo: Reach playlist we have set up on our channel page. The playlist won't be #2 in the playlist list until about 7:30am EST when I wake up and get on the computer.

Also wanted to mention that, for anyone wondering, the new week of Ask VigilGaming will be posted soon. SgtPepper has been hard to get a hold of so we need him to answer one of the questions. We also need to make sure a video that is directly uploaded can be the new #AskVG video so that way it doesn't go up, people see it, watch it THEN we make it the #AskVG video. You know what I'm saying?

Alright. Good bye to all!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Update Hour

Hey guys it's Mike!

I just feel like writing something so I thought I'd once again discuss the near future for Vigil Gaming in terms of games.

I'll start off with the newest game we will be uploading once it's released, Halo: Reach. SgtPepper is fortunately going to the midnight release for the game and will be uploading at least one video as soon as possible (ideally like 2-3 hours after the release of the game). The video will be of the first level of single player since no one has ever seen that before in the beta. I wouldn't hold your breath for a full walk through since everyone else isn't too big on walkthroughs.

Next up is Black Ops. Our last poll was actually asking if you guys were going to get Black Ops and we had a 3 way tie between Yes, Not on the day of release but yes and No. The fourth option, After I hear peoples' opinions about it, was 1 vote off from making it a 4 way tie. Very interesting. But rest assured that for those wanting Black Ops we will deliver. I'm not sure anyone will be at the midnight release but we will definitely post multiplayer and at least the first level of single player as soon as possible. And when I say we I mean SgtPepper and/or Sw1tch.

For StarCraft 2 the walkthroughs are almost wrapped up. I believe I'm 6-7 levels from beating the game and I have 4 levels ready to upload whenever I can. Once those are done I'll probably start casting some 1v1 replays I have laying around from Bronze & Silver league as well as a FFA or 2. Dyzix may also post some Protoss games.

Modern Warfare 2 is, I think, slowly coming to an end (and thankfully in my opinion). I know a few of you guys hate the MW2 we put up but it's slowly dying down. For me the only thing I play for now is requests and I actually have so many left that I've started contacting the requesters if they wouldn't mind it being done by Pepper or Sw1tch to help me out. Don't expect too many non-request videos in the coming months.

Left 4 Dead 2 hasn't been getting it's weekly uploads since Valve has decided to be stupid and do Developer's Choice for a Mutation the past 3 weeks + the repeat week. We are all hoping that NEXT week's Mutation is something new. SgtPepper has a few games he can upload and hopefully does for Versus mode.

Counter-Strike Source. I know a lot of you want CSS. And I know we've said we would upload and never did. BUT here is some good news. Once I render all these SC2 levels (3 more videos; 1.5 levels) I will be deleting the raw Fraps files to clear up about 100GB of space. At that point I'll be recording some CSS demo's I got recently. There is some office gameplay with a Krieg and a Deathmatch video that I know for sure I can upload. So expect that sometime within the month hopefully.

I think that just about covers everything. Don't forget to ask us questions on the #AskVG video of the week every week. Also a reminder, the contest we are holding for 500 subs is closing in 2 weeks come tomorrow!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ask Vigil Gaming Week #3

Ask us more questions pl0x. <3

Q: "What were some of your firsts? What kind of games/game consoles you got and played first and how were your experiences with them? Do you miss playing them, and do you ever want to go back and play them?" by disutansu

A: Mike - The first gaming console I ever played on was I believe an NES, the big grey Nintendo thing. The first game I played was Duck Hunt or some Mario game on it. At the time I didn't really understand any of it because I was really young but overall it was really fun.
The first console I actually played consistantly was the Super Nintendo. My favourite game on that was Donkey Kong Country and I wrecked it up in that game. From time to time I feel like plugging it back in but then the moment passes and I don't.
The first console I ever actually wanted and received was a Nintendo 64. Best console ever. Hands down.

Dyzix - First game/consoles: Well obviously I played a lot of Gameboy and Pokemon when that was out, but I'm pretty sure my first big jump into PC gaming was Age of Empires 3. I played that game quiet a bit and while I was still very young when I played and I played quiet bad at it, it was still a big jump for me into PC gaming. What really brought me into the online experience however would have to be Runescape. I spent hours on the game when i was young, and leveled up and did quiet well. That has to be one of the first major games that I played very competitively and brought me into online gaming. As for console, I had a PlayStation 1, and my neighbor at the time also had an XBox. I later upgraded to a PlayStation 2 which I played a lot of Scooby-Doo on. Those were some fun simple times with games.

Do I miss them? In ways yes and in ways no. What I do miss is the simplicity of those games. It was simple. Go on and have fun. No worry about your ladder rankings. No worrying about KDR, no raging when you did bad, it was just simple fun. When you were bored you pop on and play. That's what I miss about gaming. I feel that as I've gotten more into gaming I have become more obsessed with ladder ranking, KDR, etc. It becomes less fun and more work in some ways.
Yet, I also enjoy the competitive scene. If you read my previous answer, I love SC2 for the competitiveness of it. I love the thrill of beating someone in a ladder match or getting a good score in an FPS game. This is what I do love about the new games, the competitiveness, yet I do also miss the laid back play of when I was a kid. This is why I try and always keep a balance between games like SC2 and L4D2, Some are just pure fun, the others are more competitive.

Sw1tch - My first console to play was Nintendo 64. I played an FPS called Golden Eye 007 and thats when I started playing FPS'. I miss it a lot, and I still have it so if you want to see some gameplay of it let me know. :)

Black - My first games were Wolfenstien 3D, Red Baron II and Risk, all for PC. I don't miss playing them because there are other games of the same genre that I can play and are even better. Would I ever want to go back and play them? No, I'm pretty sure none of them are supported by Vista.

SgtPepper - My first game that I played was Street Fighter 2 for Super Nintendo or SEGA. I still play it on XBox Live Arcade. My first shooter games were Golden Eye on N64, Turok and I think there was an expansion for 007 that I played. I still play those since I have an N64 emulator. Turok was kind of dull but 007 was amazing. I used to play it all the time with my friends. It was so fun.

Thanks for the question!
The new #AskVG video is up and it's the StarCraft 2 Safe Haven walkthrough video. Go ask us stuffz!